Stock Climbs: Nordex Secures Numerous Orders From France, Türkiye And Germany at The End of June
Hamburg, Germany - At the end of June 2024, wind turbine manufacturer Nordex received numerous orders from France, Türkiye and Germany.
For Germany, Nordex also reports an order from Denker Wulf, one of the leading onshore wind farm developers in Germany. The company ordered seven Nordex N149/5.X turbines at the end of June 2024. The order also includes a service agreement for the maintenance of the turbines over a period of 20 years. The turbines from the Delta4000 series are destined for the 39.9 MW Waabs wind farm near Eckernförde in Schleswig-Holstein. Nordex will deliver the turbines, each with a rated output of 5.7 MW, from spring 2025.
The Nordex share has recorded strong growth in the first four days of trading this week. At the end of trading on Thursday evening, the RENIXX Group's share price was up 9.9 percent at EUR 12.55 (closing price, July 4, 2024, Stuttgart Stock Exchange). This represents an increase of 20 percent compared to the price at the turn of the year. Nordex is thus one of the few RENIXX stocks to have risen so far this year.
Source: IWR Online, 05 Jul 2024