Press release
wpd denies sales reports
Bremen (renewablepress) - Speculative reports on a possible sale of Bremer wpd AG are subject of misinformation, as the company announces today. Contrary to various false reports of the past days, there are no wpd AG shares for sale and Nomura Greentech has no consultancy mandate for wpd AG. No other consultants have been commissioned either.
About wpd
wpd develops and operates onshore and offshore wind farms and solar parks, and is actively engaged in 28 countries around the world; the head office is in Bremen. The German company has already realized wind energy projects with around 2,400 wind turbines and an output of 5,150 MW, and is planning further projects with a total of 12,300 MW onshore, 13,800 MW offshore and 1,650 MWp solar energy.
Bremen, 24 February 2022
Publication and Reprint free of charge; please send a voucher copy to wpd AG.
Attention editorial offices - For further questions please contact:
Media contact:
wpd AG
Christian Schnibbe
Head of Communication
Phone: +49 (421) 16866-10
wpd AG
Stephanitorsbollwerk 3
28217 Bremen
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