Business World of Renewable Energy

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International Wind Markets: Nordex Secures Orders From Finland And Poland

Hamburg, Germany - Wind turbine manufacturer Nordex has reported orders from Finland and Poland at the end of the second quarter.

The Nordex Group has received an order from Finland for the delivery of five N163/5.X turbines each for the "Mustalamminmäki" and "Koiramäki" projects with a total capacity of 59 megawatts (MW). The client is the Finnish subsidiary of the renewable energy project developer and operator Falck Renewables from Italy. Both wind farms are being built in the municipality of Karstula in central Finland. The Nordex Group will install the turbines as of summer 2023 and in the climate variant with the Nordex Advanced Anti-Icing-System for the rotor blades.

In Poland, Nordex secured an order from Tauron Zielona Energia, a subsidiary of Polish utility TAURON Polska Energia, for 15 N131/3900 turbines for the 58.5 MW "Mierzyn" wind farm. The wind farm is located in the north-west of Poland. The turbines will be installed as of autumn 2023, with commissioning scheduled for summer 2024.

Nordex yesterday (07.07.2022) also presented its order figures for the second quarter of 2022. Overall, Nordex increased its order intake in Q2 2022 by around 20 percent to 1,836 MW (Q2 2021: 1,534 MW).

After falling by 5.7 percent to EUR 7.90 after the first three days of trading this week (closing price on 06.07.2022, Stuttgart stock exchange), Nordex stock yesterday was able to gain ground again. The share ended trading with a daily gain of 10.3 per cent to a price of 8.71 euros (07.07.2022, closing price, Stuttgart Stock Exchange).

Source: IWR Online, 08 Jul 2022

