Project Pipeline Well Filled: Wpd Grows Strongly in The Northern European Wind And Solar Market
Bremen, Germany - Bremen-based Wpd GmbH, one of the leading project planners and operators of onshore wind energy projects in Europe, is also successfully active in the Northern European market for renewable energies with Wpd Scandinavia in Stockholm, Sweden, and Wpd Suomi in Espoo and Oulu, Finland.
In Sweden, the Stöllsäterberget wind farm with a total capacity of 47.2 MW was recently commissioned in the provinces of Dalarna and Värmland. The buyer of the wind power will be the software giant Microsoft, with whom a power purchase agreement has been concluded.
Progress is also being made on other projects such as the Ripfjället wind project to the north-west of the Stöllsäterberget wind farm, for which Wpd has now received environmental approval. Wpd Scandinavia was also able to secure the grid connection for the Broboberget-Lannaberget combined project in central Sweden with around 100 turbine sites and up to 740 MW of installed capacity in October last year.
Furthermore, the next milestone on the agenda for the Råliden wind farm project in the northern Swedish province of Västerbotten, which comprises up to 54 turbines, is the signing of the grid connection agreement, which is planned for the near future. In addition, preparatory work on the wind farm infrastructure is underway for the Tomasliden project (10 turbines, 68 MW), which is also located in the province of Västerbotten. Installation is scheduled to begin in June.
Wpd is also making progress in Finland. Work on the wind farm infrastructure for the Maaselänkangas wind farm with 7 turbines and 41.3 MW at the site in the municipality of Oulainen is almost complete. Installation of the turbines is scheduled to start in June of this year. In addition, two further projects in Finland, Söderskogen and Palovaara, are almost ready for construction. Both projects have already received legally binding building permits and the grid connection contracts have been signed; technical project optimization is currently underway.
Wpd is also planning photovoltaic projects in Finland and Sweden with a volume of several hundred megawatts.
"Our teams at wpd Scandinavia and wpd Suomi Oy are doing really great things. There are currently wind farm projects with a total capacity of almost 1.7 GW in the wpd project pipeline for Northern Europe. We are an established player in the market for renewable energies in Sweden and Finland", comments Paul Bade, Country Manager at Wpd for Northern Europe, on the current development.
Source: IWR Online, 13 Mar 2024